2nd co-funded call

- pre announcement -

The AGROECOLOGY Partnership will soon launch the 2nd co-funded call: “Integrating environmental, economic and social perspectives in assessing the performance of agroecology. Value-chain and policy implications”

This call focuses on the performance of agroecology, under different aspects: evaluating this performance in its various dimensions, quantifying environmental impacts, transforming value chains, and contributing to the design of public policies to better support the transition. The partnership will fund R&I projects providing significant contributions to the scope of the call either by developing new methods and technologies or by providing analyses of the potential impact of agroecology in terms of sustainability:

  • Topic 1 : Determine and assess benefits/impacts and trade-offs of agroecology, and identify best practices

  • Topic 2 : Transform value chains, business models and policies to facilitate the transition to agroecology

Who can apply?

  • Universities and other higher education institutions;

  • Public research institutions;

  • For-profit and non-profit organisations;

  • Consumers/citizens;

  • Civil society representatives;

  • Private companies;

  • Living labs with legal entity status.

Participation is subject to specific funder regulations. Applying consortia must include at least three eligible partners requesting funding from at least three different countries contributing funds to the call.

Call office: ptj-agroecology-call-office@fz-juelich.de (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)

Tentative timeline

  • Launch: December 2024

  • Pre proposal submission: February 2025

  • Full proposal submission: July 2025

  • Selection: October 2025

  • Project start: Early 2026

Funding countries

Participating countries* with indicative budget of 18M€.

*Preliminary list also including regional funders; budget is indicative.

Status: October 2024


Launch of the FutureFoodS EU Partnership