1st co-funded call (closed)
“Fostering agroecology at farm and landscape levels”
This call aims for research and innovation projects driving the transition to agroecology, addressing global challenges and societal demands. Key focuses include resilience improvement, nutrient and energy flow closure, input/resource efficiency enhancement, and agrobiodiversity promotion. The call encompasses both conventional and organic farming, acknowledging the potential of agroecological principles to boost yields and resource efficiency in organic systems.
The objective is to fund projects operating at two scales:
Theme 1: 🌱Focus on the farm level and its immediate surroundings.
Theme 2: 🌍Explore agroecology at the landscape or territorial level.
The farm level involves practices within and around farms, while the landscape level considers broader territorial actions beyond individual farms, integrating various production systems and non-cultivated areas.
Proposals must adopt a multidisciplinary, integrated approach with a multi-actor perspective, involving scientists, farmers, consumers, and authorities. Co-design, co-assessment, and co-implementation of innovations are encouraged, with a focus on actionable knowledge and operational solutions. The proposals should address shared challenges across at least three participating countries in the AGROECOLOGY partnership.
Successful proposals shall contribute to the following outcomes:
Agroecological innovations based on co-creation between scientists, relevant stakeholders and end users at the farm and/or landscape level
Increased knowledge, knowledge transfer and capacity of farmers and agricultural advisers to implement agroecological practices
Methods and tools to implement a co-creation process in a living lab approach supporting enhanced agroecology at the farm and/or landscape level
Increased socio-economic and/or environmental potential of agroecological practices
Timeline and Submission Procedure
📅The deadline for pre-proposals is 2024 April 26, 14:00h CEST.
📅The deadline for full proposal submission is 2024 September 19, 14:00h CEST.
The co-funded call follows a comprehensive two-step procedure. In the initial phase, interested parties are required to submit a pre-proposal. Upon receiving an invitation, successful applicants can proceed to the second step, where a full proposal is submitted.
It is imperative to adhere to the submission deadlines. Pre- and full proposals not submitted within the specified timeframe through the submission system will not undergo evaluation and will be rejected. It is crucial to note that submitting a pre-proposal is mandatory. Applicants who have not submitted a pre-proposal and have not been selected cannot submit a full proposal at a later stage.
❓For detailed guidance on each step, please refer to the submission website: https://agroecology.ptj.de.