Conversations on Agroecolgy

The Conversations on Agroecology will form the first steps towards strengthening agricultural knowledge and innovation systems (AKIS) for agroecology transition by facilitating linkages between Living Labs & Research Infrastructures actors across Europe. The online conversations on agroecology will run on a monthly schedule throughout the partnership and enable mobilisation and networking of agroecology actors across and beyond Europe.

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  • 3 - The role of Research Infrastructures (RIs) for Agroecology - September 25, 2024

    3 - The role of Research Infrastructures (RIs) for Agroecology - September 25, 2024

    The third Conversations on Agroecology talks about “Fostering Agroecological Transition: The potential of Research Infrastructures services and resources” and “eLTER RI (Integrated European Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone & socio-ecological Research Infrastructure)”

    With guest speakers Säde Virkki from the Natural Resources Institute Finland in Finland and Michael Mirtl from the Environment Agency Austria in Austria.

  • 2 - The Power of Networks for Agroecology - June 26, 2024

    2 - The Power of Networks for Agroecology - June 26, 2024

    The second Conversations on Agroecology talks about “The European Network of Agroecology Living Labs and Research Infrastructures” and the '“Power of networks and power dynamic in network”.

    With guest speakers Korinna Varga from the Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture in Hungary and Margriet Coris from Wageningen University & Research in The Netherlands.

  • 1 - The role of AKIS for Agroecology - April 24, 2024

    1 - The role of AKIS for Agroecology - April 24, 2024

    The first Conversations on Agroecology talks about “Living labs and agricultural knowledge and innovation: where we coming from and where may we be headed” and about '“Participatory science for agroecology transition: changes are also observed on the research side”.

    With guest speakers Torsten Rødel Berg from Aarhus University in Denmark and Pénélope Lamarque from the Walloon Agricultural Research Centre in Belgium.