First European Panel for Agroecology Transition (EPAT)
In the Agroecology Partnership, we are putting in place a science policy “forum”, that brings together scientists, policymakers, and possibly farmers and/or other stakeholders. The goal of this Forum is to enhance collaboration and communication between scientists and policy makers.
To address environmental threats like climate change, land degradation, and water depletion, we must transform food, land, and water systems. This transformation should avoid harming the planet, promoting unhealthy diets, or deepening social inequalities. Agricultural research must adopt a holistic approach, recognizing the interconnectedness between agriculture, food systems, and natural resources. A systems approach focused on circular resource use, ecosystem health, diversified agriculture, and equitable benefits aligns with agroecology principles, which advocate redesigning these systems for sustainability from farm to table.
Based on such premises, the first meeting of the European Panel for Agroecology Transition (EPAT) will address jointly land and water systems, considering “care” as a common denominator. Water is also part of our food system and a main component of our bodies. One challenge is to address various facets of these systems in order to identify convergences or tensions in their reconnection. Based on diverse inputs, ranging from global approaches to case studies and interactive group work, we intend to set a baseline for reconnecting these systems. Practically, we expect balances in terms of gender, geographical origin and constituency so that science-policy dialogue can be enriched.
Following the event, outcomes will be shared via our website and social media channels.