🗣️8th Conversation on Agroecology

The online Conversations on Agroecology will run on a monthly schedule throughout the partnership and enable mobilisation and networking of agroecology actors across and beyond Europe.

You are also welcome to send your topic-related questions in advance to akademie@ages.at.
The questions collected will be answered by the speakers during the seminar.

The event will be held virtually.

Conversation Leads

Dr. Taru Sandén
Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES), Austria

Ana Pires da Silva, MSc
Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, I. P. (INIAV), Portugal

🗣️ Speakers

Supporting Agroecology Transition through the Science-Policy Interfaces: Results of the Pilot Study 2024

Dr. Ivana Trkulja, CROFS, Aarhus University, Denmark 
Dr. Allison-Marie Loconto, INRAe, France

Agroecological Transition in Türkiye: History, Policy and Practices

Aykut Ordukaya, General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies, Türkiye

Target group

Researchers, farmers, policymakers, funders, all agroecology interested stakeholders

Interested in joining? Please register here.


⏰ Update 2nd co-funded call


🚨 Call for abstracts: International Forum on Agroecosystems Living Labs - October 2025 (France)