🚨The 2nd co-funded call is NOW OPEN!
"Integrating environmental, economic and social perspectives in assessing the performance of agroecology. Value-chain and policy implications”
This call focuses on the performance of agroecology, under different aspects: evaluating this performance in its various dimensions, quantifying environmental impacts, transforming value chains, and contributing to the design of public policies to better support the transition.
Topic 1: ⚖️Determine and assess benefits/impacts and trade-offs of agroecology, and identify best practices
Topic 2: 🔄Transform value chains, business models and policies to facilitate the transition to agroecology
Research and Innovation (R&I) proposals shall apply the multi-actor approach and exhibit co-creation and co-implementation structures, via Living Labs or initiatives following the Living Lab approach.
This call for research and innovation projects addresses a transition to agroecology in the context of both conventional and organic farming systems.
The Partnership will fund R&I projects, which contribute to the scope of the call either by developing new methods, approaches, perspectives and technologies or by providing analyses on agroecology’s sustainability dimensions.
Successful proposals shall contribute to all of the following outcomes/impacts:
Practical-oriented knowledge, tools and/or innovations available to farmers and the sector, contributing to the uptake of agroecological practices at local, regional and national scales.
Increased knowledge, knowledge transfer and capacity of farmers and agricultural advisors to implement agroecological practices.
Increased socio-economic and/or environmental performance of agroecological approaches.
Enhanced science-policy interfaces serving to facilitate a faster transition to agroecology.
Timeline and Submission Procedure
The co-funded call is conducted as a two-step-procedure. As a first step, a pre proposal has to be submitted. If this pre proposal is successful, the Coordinator receives an invitation to submit a full proposal. Only following such an invitation, a full proposal can be submitted. Proposals that are not submitted on time within the submission platform will not be considered and rejected.
❓For detailed guidance on each step and call documents, please refer to the submission website: https://agroecology.ptj.de.
Funding countries
Currently, 29 Funders from 20 different countries provide funds to this call and altogether form the Funder Board.
More details on the Funder regulations of the 2nd co-funded call can be found in Annex IX
Status: December 2024